
Módní kmeny

Módní kmeny

Caroline Young - SLOVART 2017, EAN: 9788075293404

Jedinečná publikace přináší přehled módních směrů a stylů mladých lidí za uplynulých sto let. V knize se dozvíte, jaké oblečení je typické pro subkultury, ať už pro teddy boys, hippies nebo punk, a jaké jsou jejich kořeny.

13,16 € Detail
Little First Stickers Woodlands

Little First Stickers Woodlands

Caroline Young - Usborne Publishing Ltd , EAN: 9781474968201

This beautifully illustrated book is packed with woodland scenes to decorate and fill with deer, foxes, squirrels, badgers and more woodland creatures. Children can use the stickers to bring each page to life.

7,95 € Detail
First Sticker Book Princesses

First Sticker Book Princesses

Caroline Young - Usborne Publishing Ltd , EAN: 9781474986618

7,48 € Detail
Little First Stickers Flowers

Little First Stickers Flowers

Caroline Young - USBORNE , EAN: 9781474986571

This charming book is just waiting to be filled with beautiful flower stickers. It includes colourful scenes of all kinds of gorgeous meadows, woodlands and gardens, all brimming with birds, bees, bugs and butterflies. With labels for the stickers, there's lots to learn and talk about.

8,50 € Detail